Excavation Exercise Submittal Form

Copyright 2003 by T.R. Consulting, Inc.

Please fill out the following information and press the SUBMIT button

The estimated location of utility installations needs to be determined prior to opening an excavation.
When utility companies and owners cannot respond to a request to locate utility installations or cannot establish their location, excavation work may not proceed.
Most utility companies provide markings accurate to within about 6 inches..
Hand excavation of the soil is an acceptable means for determining the exact location of underground utiliy insatllations.
A stairway, ladder, ramp or other acceptable means of egress is required of all excavations greater than 30 inches deep.
Without adequate precautions, employees are not allowed to work in excavations that are accumulating water or that have accumulated water.
Stockpiles of excavation spoils and other materials must be a minimum of 2 feet from the edge of an excavation unless retaining devices are in place.
A competent person must inspect excavations at least weekly.
Excavation edges less than 6 feet in depth do not require sloping or shoring.
Excavation materials must cover the nose and mouth to cause suffocation.
Sloping or shoring of excavation walls may be necessary at depths less than the legal requirement for all excavations.
Sloping or benching requirements for excavations greater than 20 feet deep need to be determined by a registered professional engineer.